Daphne Kraft


Every coding project starts off with thorough research, finding new and accessible features to incorporate to the final piece. Coding projects range from web design to interactive installations. Typical programs I use are Visual Studio Code, Max MSP, Arduino, or Processing (P5JS).

Below are a few selected coding projects. Check out graphic design or photograhy & videography works here.

Interested in trying out the Paranormal Game, Tetris Drawing Simulation, or Shelter Dash? Try them out here.

digital web mockup of a faux company called Common Ground for finding homes a museum exhibit featuring magnetic slime simulating an oil spill covering marine life as it swims below the water's surface a stilled image of the character selection screen of the Frogger style game called Shelter Dash a kinetic sculpture experimenting with light and shadow using geometric shapes cut into triangles spinning on a table with strobed light passing through a stilled image of the Paranormal Society Hunters game where an investigator tries to catch all the spirits before the spirits scare the investigator away a coded webpage detailing the best practices for coding featuring appropriate snippets of code a live mockup of Immersion Arcade's new website wearable technology that are sweatpants coded to stroke the head of whoever is laying in your lap to free your hands to read or text a stilled image of a drawing simulation where you color in pixels with squares a wireframe of Immersion Arcade's sister company VR League featuring their blog site a stilled image of the processing code that makes up Shelter Dash a wireframe of the potential contact page for Immersion Arcade's new website